Jumat, 09 Juni 2017

How to Increase Testosterone without Drugs | How to Increase Testosterone

Welcome to my video How to Increase Testosterone without Drugs.
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Supplementing testosterone too quickly may interfere with uncovering underlying health issues and low levels are often the warning that there is something more going on with your health. Raising testosterone may improve some health problems such as heart failure, depression and exercise capacity, but there is not enough evidence to recommend that all men with low levels replace it. Testosterone replacement should be done by a health care provider who is also addressing your other health concerns.

You can take the following steps How to Increase Testosterone without Drugs. I recommend discussing options with your health care provider before resorting to testosterone supplementation. Many of these steps also are important for maintaining your health and preventing disease.

• Maintain ideal body weight. As body fat increases in men, more testosterone is converted to estrogen. This causes fat to be deposited in the breast, hip, and thigh regions. The more fat there is, the higher the rate of conversion.

• Exercise. Exercise is extremely important for improving testosterone levels, even without weight loss. A combination of aerobic (increase in heart rate) and resistance (weight lifting) exercise can increase testosterone production.

• Get sleep. Most testosterone is made during sleep. Fewer hours of sleep, less deep sleep, and sleep during daytime instead of at night have been associated with lower testosterone levels.

• Avoid smoking. Tobacco and marijuana both reduce testosterone and fertility in men.

• Avoid excessive alcohol. More than one drink per day increases conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

• Wear boxers or very loose briefs. There is an association between overly warm testicles, which can be caused by tight-fitting underwear, and decreased sperm counts. It is not clear whether this affects testosterone production, but it is an easy thing to do.

• Avoid substances that can mimic natural hormones. The average testosterone level in men has dropped over the decades. Increased obesity could be the cause, but substances mimicking hormones in our bodies – including bisphenol A, phthalates and organophosphates – may also have a role. BPA is found in some plastics. Don’t microwave food in plastic containers. Use a guide such as ww.badplastics.com/ safe-plastics.html to help you identify safer plastics. Plastics also line cans of soda and many canned foods and are present in the papers used for most receipts. Phthalates are used in lubricants, binders and some hygiene products. A useful website on alternative products is lesstoxicguide.ca/. Pesticides and herbicides may contain organophosphates. Eating organic and/or washing your produce well will help avoid these.

• Limit stress. Natural production of cortisol levels increases with stress, which may increase fat deposits and have other effects.

• Eat well. Eat a diet with a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fiber and cold water fish like halibut, cod, and herring. Brazil nuts are high in selenium – which is good for testosterone production. Eat a couple a day. Limit foods with large amounts of sugars and simple carbohydrates, caffeine (no more than 4 servings per day), red meat, fat from dairy products and processed foods.

• Supplements. Selenium at 100 micrograms per day and zinc at 25 milligrams per day may increase testosterone levels and sperm count.

Be sure to talk with your health care provider about all supplements and medications that you are taking. Some may affect testosterone levels.

Some of these steps may not only help get your testosterone to a healthy level but also help you to feel better and improve your overall health.

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Learn More about How to Increase Testosterone without Drugs: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/SH2yz

You could see about How to Increase Testosterone without Drugs Video again at https://youtu.be/Kym3JVnzeKE?list=PLRiM5p1JH-qVaYVIyRXnMUKbZfC0OcUVJ


How to Increase Testosterone without Drugs | How to Increase Testosterone published first on http://wesleybodybreakthrough.blogspot.com
How to Increase Testosterone without Drugs | How to Increase Testosterone posted first on http://trnmontgomery.tumblr.com

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